The Elements of Friendly Software Design

The Elements of Friendly Software Design

The Elements of Friendly Software Design



In Short, the software designer must learn to think like a communicator and to practice an artistic craft as well as an engineering one.

Introduction (p.xx)


Paul Heckel, カード型情報管理ソフトであるZoomracksの開発者。このZoomracksは後にAppleからHyperCardの先駆として正式に認められたようです。Zoomrackの発表後にAppleHyperCardIBMのToolBockといった類似製品が販売されたことに反発し、Zoomracksの特許を主張して法的な交渉を行っています。その辺りの恨み節はこの本の第二版につけられた70頁におよぶエピローグで詳細に語られています。

To be a successful inventor, you have to be innocent like a baby so that you see things in a fresh way, but not so innocent that you let people take your candy.

Epilogue (p.294)



The Elements of Friendly Software Design

  1. Know Your Subject.
  2. Know Your Audience.
  3. Maintain the User's Interest.
  4. Communicate Visually.
  5. Lever the User's Knowledge.
  6. Speak the User's Language.
  7. Communicate with Metaphors.
  8. Focus the User's Attention.
  9. Anticipate Problems in the User's Perception.
  10. If You Can't Communicate It, Don't Do It.
  11. Reduce the User's Defensiveness.
  12. Give the User Control.
  13. Support the Problem-Solving Process.
  14. Avoid Frustrating the User.
  15. Help the User Cope.
  16. Respond to the User's Actions.
  17. Don't Let the User Focus on Mechanics.
  18. Help the User to Crystallize His Thought.
  19. Involve the User.
  20. Communicate in Specifics, Not Generalities.
  21. Orient the User in the World.
  22. Structure the User's Interface.
  23. Make Your Product Reliable.
  24. Serve Both the Novice and the Experienced User.
  25. Develop and Maintain User Rapport.
  26. Consider the First Impression.
  27. Build a Model in the User's Mind.
  28. Make Your Design Simple...
  29. But Not Too Simple.
  30. You Need Vision



Many of our users have a fuzzy idea of what they want to do or what the program can do. Our products should present themselves to users in a way that helps them recognize what they want, instead of requiring them to spend time formulating their problems or recalling the various commands.

Chapter Three The Elements of Friendly Software Design (p.63)


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